The reason Joe wants to go to a public school is that he wants to be on a team that's in a league that has more competition. Back in Boston after basketball practice everyone on the team expect him would rush to get to the library. But his father meets a person who has a son that goes to a private school. The son turns out to be John who play basketball down at the courts! His father is convinced of how good of a school it is. One day Joe and his father visit Loyal High a public school and Eastside Academy a private school. After going to both of the school Joe doesn't care if Eastside looks better than Loyal High he chooses to go to Loyal High.
One day a few days before school starts Joe was invited to a party at Ross's house. But there was a problem. His parents didn't let him go to a party unless they the parents. Joe didn't want his parents to meet Ross and his family. He kept on saying that some day he'll invite them. Joe then finally invites them over. When Joe's parents meet Ross and his parents their surprised. Joe has been telling his parents so much about Ross that they though Ross was a different type of guy the imaged. Joe's mother asks Ross if he thinks about going to college Ross says "Me? College? I suppose if some school gave me a new car, the names of some fast girls, and a long list of Mickey Mouse courses,I'd think about it. Otherwise, no way, Jose.(pg.43). So Joe is think that now his parents won't let him go to the party after meeting Ross and his parents. But Joe was shocked to here that his parents will let him go to the party.
At the party Joe doesn't know anybody but Ross. Ross then introduces a girl named Karen. Joe and Karen drank for a long time. After a while Joe started to get dizzy. So he rushed to the front door and went outside and pasted out. The next thing you know he's on his bed. He then goes down for breakfast and see's his parents. His father tells him that he will attend Eastside Academy. Joe is pissed at himself for what he did. He doesn't want to attend a private school. But at least he will be with John.
At school he doesn't know anyone expect John. So at lunch he eats his lunch by himself. One day Joe goes by the basketball court and watches a 2 on 2 game. Joe then leaves and comes back 5 minutes later and see's that the game is now a 5 on 5 game! During P.E Joe plays basketball with John. One day the coach of the basketball team comes up to him and says that he should join the junior varsity team. Joe hasn't even tried out for the team and the coach. Joe is very disappointed by what he has been told. John then comes over and tells him how he used to be on the junior varsity team a few years back. So what Joe does is that in every P.E class he tries to show the basketball coach that he is good enough for the varsity team. But the coach keeps telling him that he should join the junior varsity team.